Esquivel-Román, A., Baena-Díaz, F., Bustos-Segura, C., De Gasperin, O., & González-Tokman, D. 2023. Synergistic effects of elevated temperature with pesticides on reproduction, development and survival of dung beetles.

Blacher* P.B., De Gasperin* O., Grasso G., Sarton-Lohéac S., Alleman R.& M. Chapuisat. 2022. Cryptic recessive lethality of a supergene controlling social organization in ants. Molecular Ecology, 32:1062–1072.

Hakala S. M., Fujioka H., De Gasperin O., Gapp K., Genzoni E., Kilner R., Koene J. M., König B., Linksvayer T. A., Meurville M.-P., Negroni M., Palejowski H., Wigby S. & LeBoeuf, A. C. 2022. Socially transferred materials: how and why to study them. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35:446–458.

Blacher, P.B., De Gasperin O. & M. Chapuisat. 2022. Cooperation by ant queens during colony-founding perpetuates alternative forms of social organization. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76:165.

De Gasperin* O., Blacher*, P.B.& M. Chapuisat. ­­­­­­2021. Social insect colonies are more likely to accept unrelated queens when they come with workers. Behavioral Ecology, 32:1004-1011.

Foncuberta*, A., De Gasperin* O., Dinde, S., Avril, A. & M. Chapuisat. ­­­­­­2021. Disentangling the mechanisms linking dispersal and sociality in supergene-mediated ant social forms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences. 288:20210118.

De Gasperin* O., Blacher, P. B., Grasso, G. & M. Chapuisat. 2020. Winter is coming: harsh environments limit independent reproduction of cooperative-breeding queens in a socially polymorphic ant. Biology Letters, 16:20190730..

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A., English, S., Attisano, A. & R.M. Kilner. 2019. The early-life environment and individual plasticity in life history traits, Ecology and Evolution, 9:339-351.

Duarte, A., Cotter, S. C., De Gasperin, O., Houslay, T., Boncoraglio, G., Welch & R. M. Kilner. 2017.. No evidence of a cleaning mutualism between burying beetles and their phoretic mites and microbes. Scientific Reports, 7:13838.

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A., Troscianko J. & R.M. Kilner. 2016. Fitness costs associated with building and maintaining the burying beetle’s carrion nest. Scientific Reports, 6:35293.

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2016. Interspecific interacions and the scope for parent-offspring conflict: high mite density changes the trade-off between offspring size and number in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. PLoS ONE, 11:e0150969.

Duarte, A., Cotter, S., Reavey, C., Ward, R., De Gasperin, O. & R.M Kilner. 2016. Social immunity of the family: parental contributions to a public good modulated by brood size. Evolutionary Ecology, 30:123–135.

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Interspecific interactions change the outcome of sexual conflict over pre-hatching parental investment in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Ecology and Evolution,5:5552–5560.

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Interspecific interactions explain variation in the duration of paternal care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. Animal Behaviour, 109:199–207.

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Friend or foe: interspecific interactions and conflicts of interest within the family. Ecological Entomology, 40:787–795.

Kilner, R.M., Boncoraglio, G., Henshaw, J., Jarrett, B., De Gasperin, O. & H. Kokko. 2015. Parental effects alter the evolutionary economics of social interactions within the family. Elife, 4:e07340.

De Gasperin* O. & C. Macias García. 2014. Congenital predispositions and early social experience determine the courtship patterns of males of the Amarillo fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68:639–648.