As timely now as ever, Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman break with tons of data and logic how the corporate-backed mass media are ideological institutions that carry system-supportive propaganda function. Starting from basic descriptions, like the simple fact that mass media institutions are profit seeking institutions, and thus they must align with the financial interests of the owners such as corporations and investors. Importantly, most of the profit comes from advertising, not from subscriptions or sales, meaning they must align with the advertisings’ interests. Indeed, the media are not selling news to the readership, instead, the readership is the product, and the buyer are the advertisement companies. Check out an illustrated summary of Manufacturing consent here:
https://seanmichaelwilson.weebly.com/manufacturing-consent—illustrated.html, a discussion on it on Jacobin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z_4HdnUdHA&t=193s&ab_channel=Jacobin, and a documentary I really enjoyed: