Everyone knows the Lord of the Flies. The fictional novel in which children are left on an island alone, which brings out the most terrible parts of humans. What almost nobody knows is what happened when real kids, in the real world, found themselves alone in an isolated island. The real Lord of The Flies Six children ran away from their boarding school in Nuku’alofa and crashed in an island alone. What happened? They brought out the best of themselves – and of humans. They organized themselves democratically, working as a team. One of them broke his leg, and his friends take care of him and make him ‘the boss’. They were found a year later, they were in perfect shape, had kept their fire alive for the whole year. Until this day, they are friends. This and many other anecdotes of widespread human kindness are described in this book, supported with data. The biggest problem in a war? Soldiers consistently refuse to fire a weapon. These books are not only incredibly interesting, but they are also deeply moving. You will end up questioning: why did I ever think humans have such terrible sides that they always win over the kind ones? Why, if I care about others, do I expect others not to also care about me and about others? Similarly, in Utopia for realists, Rutger Bregman tells stories of what happens when socialist, often criticized as utopias, are actually put in place – like when borders are lifted, and universal salaries are given to everybody in a town. The results contradict everything you can hear from mass media.