Ornela De Gasperin Quintero

Professor at INECOL, A. C.

Member of the National Laboratory of the Biology of Climate Change in Mexico

Active member of Scientist Rebellion and Scientist Rebellion Mexico





2011 – BSc in Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico Honors degree thesis: ‘Effect of early social experience on courtship patterns on males of the Amarillo fish’, supervised by Prof Constantino Macias García   2016 –

2016 – PhD in Zoology, University of Cambridge Thesis: ‘Interspecific interactions and family dynamics in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides’, supervised by Prof Rebecca Kilner


Postdoctoral researcher. Department of Biology, University of Fribourg. Supervised by Prof Daniele Silvestro (2021-2022)

Postdoctoral researcher. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne. Supervised by Prof Michel Chapuisat (2016-2021)

Research associate. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. Supervised by Prof Ashleigh Griffin (2014-2016)

PUBLICATIONS  *co-first authorship

Esquivel-Román, A., Baena-Díaz, F., Bustos-Segura, C., De Gasperin, O., & González-

Tokman, D. 2023. Synergistic effects of elevated temperature with pesticides on reproduction, development and survival of dung beetles. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3740664/v1

Blacher* P.B., De Gasperin* O., Grasso G., Sarton-Lohéac S., Alleman R.& M. Chapuisat. 2022.

Cryptic recessive lethality of a supergene controlling social organization in ants. Molecular Ecology, 32:1062–1072. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16821

Hakala S. M., Fujioka H., De Gasperin O., Gapp K., Genzoni E., Kilner R., Koene J. M., König B., Linksvayer T. A., Meurville M.-P., Negroni M., Palejowski H., Wigby S. & LeBoeuf, A. C. 2022. Socially transferred materials: how and why to study them. Trends in Ecology and

Evolution, 35:446–458. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2022.11.010

Blacher, P.B., De Gasperin O. & M. Chapuisat. 2022. Cooperation by ant queens during colony-founding perpetuates alternative forms of social organization. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76:165. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-021-03105-1

De Gasperin* O., Blacher*, P.B.& M. Chapuisat. 2021. Social insect colonies are more likely to accept unrelated queens when they come with workers. Behavioral Ecology, 32:1004-1011.


Foncuberta*, A., De Gasperin* O., Dinde, S., Avril, A. & M. Chapuisat. 2021. Disentangling the mechanisms linking dispersal and sociality in supergene-mediated ant social forms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences. 288:20210118. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.0118

De Gasperin* O., Blacher, P. B., Grasso, G. & M. Chapuisat. 2020. Winter is coming: harsh environments limit independent reproduction of cooperative-breeding queens in a socially polymorphic ant. Biology Letters, 16:20190730. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0730

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A., English, S., Attisano, A. & R.M. Kilner. 2019. The early-life environment and individual plasticity in life history traits, Ecology and Evolution, 9:339-351. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4749

Duarte, A., Cotter, S. C., De Gasperin, O., Houslay, T., Boncoraglio, G., Welch & R. M. Kilner. 2017.. No evidence of a cleaning mutualism between burying beetles and their phoretic mites and microbes. Scientific Reports, 7:13838. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-14201-6

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A., Troscianko J. & R.M. Kilner. 2016. Fitness costs associated with building and maintaining the burying beetle’s carrion nest. Scientific Reports, 6:35293. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep35293

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2016. Interspecific interacions and the scope for parentoffspring conflict: high mite density changes the trade-off between offspring size and number in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. PLoS ONE, 11:e0150969. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0150969

Duarte, A., Cotter, S., Reavey, C., Ward, R., De Gasperin, O. & R.M Kilner. 2016. Social immunity of the family: parental contributions to a public good modulated by brood size. Evolutionary Ecology, 30:123–135. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10682-015-9806-3

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Interspecific interactions change the outcome of sexual conflict over pre-hatching parental investment in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Ecology and Evolution, 5:5552–5560. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1795

De Gasperin* O., Duarte, A. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Interspecific interactions explain variation in the duration of paternal care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. Animal Behaviour, 109:199–207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.08.014

De Gasperin* O. & R.M. Kilner. 2015. Friend or foe: interspecific interactions and conflicts of interest           within the       family. Ecological       Entomology,    40:787–795. https://doi.org/10.1111/een.12259

Kilner, R.M., Boncoraglio, G., Henshaw, J., Jarrett, B., De Gasperin, O. & H. Kokko. 2015. Parental effects alter the evolutionary economics of social interactions within the family. Elife, 4:e07340. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.07340

De Gasperin* O. & C. Macias García. 2014. Congenital predispositions and early social experience determine the courtship patterns of males of the Amarillo fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68:639–648. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-013-1678-3


De Gasperin Quintero, O., León Torres, G., Pino Castañón, M., Sponer, R., & J. Andrés Cruz. 2023. Entrevista a Abya Yala, representantes de Scientist Rebellion. Quimiofilia, 30:12–30.

De Gasperin Quintero, O. 2023. Cooperar o no cooperar, esa es la cuestión. Eco-lógico, 4(1):34-41

De Gasperin Quintero, O. 2023. La catástrofe climática-ecológica, síntoma de un sistema económico enfermo. 

https://proyectotroposfera.org/index.php/2023/08/28/la-catastrofeclimatica-ecologica-sintoma-de-un-sistema-economico-enfermo/. 31 de Agosto, 2023

De            Gasperin          Quintero,          O.          2023.          La          catástrofe          ecológica

https://www.nvinoticias.com/cultura/ciencia-la-mano-la-catastrofeecologica/151291. Publicado en línea el 28 de agosto del 2023.

De Gasperin Quintero, O., Baena Díaz, f. & D.González Tokman. 2023. Efectos transgeneracionales: la herencia no genética. Artículo publicado en la Crónica y el Portal

Comunicación                     Veracruzana                el               31                de enero                2023.

https://www.inecol.mx/inecol/index.php/es/ct-menu-item-25/ct-menu-item-27/17– ciencia-hoy/1914-efectos-transgeneracionales-la-herencia-no-genetica

De Gasperin, O. 2015. How does nature deal with humans? BlueSci 33, 14–15. https://issuu.com/bluesci/docs/bluesci_issue_33

De         Gasperin,      O.      2015.      Do      animals      get       lost?      BlueSci      32,       10–11.


De Gasperin, O. 2014. Babies supress own immune system. BlueSci 29, 4. https://issuu.com/bluesci/docs/bluesci_issue_29

De Gasperin, O. 2016. Wolves and relatives have species-specific howls, extensive study finds. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/wolves-and-relatives-have-speciesspecific-howls-extensive-study-finds

De Gasperin, O. 2015. Cultural shocks enhance cognitive performance. BlueSci. https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/cultural-shocks-enhance-cognitive-performance

De Gasperin, O. 2015. Month of birth linked to natal and adult differences, study suggests. BlueSci.co.uk:           https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/month-of-birth-linked-to-natal-and-adultdifferences-study-suggests

De Gasperin, O. 2014. Probe successfully lands comet for the first time in history. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/probe-successfully-lands-on-comet-for-the-firsttime-in-history

De Gasperin, O. 2014. Communities of ferns communicate to decide an individual’s sex. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/communities-of-ferns-communicate-to-decidean-individuals-sex

De Gasperin, O. 2014. New software allows         to live-track cells. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/new-software-allows-to-live-track-cells

De       Gasperin,    O.     2014.     Homosexuality     in     the     animal     kingdom.    BlueSci.co.uk


De Gasperin, O. 2014. New metal-eating plant discovered in the Philippines. BlueSci.co.uk:


De Gasperin, O. 2014. Probable hydrogen river observed flowing through space. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/probable-hydrogen-river-observed-flowingthrough-space

De Gasperin, O. 2013. Birds pay attention to speed limits, study shows. BlueSci.co.uk:


De Gasperin, O. 2013. Drinking impairs healing of broken bones. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/drinking-impairs-healing-of-broken-bones

De Gasperin, O. 2013. Extensive glacial retreat in the Mount Everest region. BlueSci.co.uk:


De Gasperin, O. 2013. Mice can transmit fear to their offspring through sperm. BlueSci.co.uk: https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/micecantransmitfeartotheiroffspringthroughsperm


2023- Supervisor of the BSc thesis: Efecto del recurso reproductivo sobre la present adecuación y el canibalismo en la especie Nicrophorus olidus, carried out by Angélica Pérez Tenorio, Institución: U.N.A.M.
2020 – Co-supervisor of the MSc’s first step project ‘Male mating success in a
2021 socially polymorphic ant’, carried out by Sidonie Nicole, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2020 – Co-supervisor of the MSc’s first step project ‘Influence of recognition cues 2021 on mate choice in the Alpine silver ant’, carried out by Mia Kotur Corliss, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2019-2020 Supervisor of the MSc thesis ´Dispersal, reproductive success and social polymorphism in the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi’, carried out by Solenn Sarton-Lohéac. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2019-2020 Co-supervisor of the MSc’s first step project ´Genetic determinants of
worker longevity’, carried out by Roxanne Allemann. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2019-2020 Co-supervisor of the MSc’s first step project ´Colony founding strategies in
the Alpine silver ant’, carried out by Nicolas Rausa. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2018-2019 Supervisor of the MSc’s first step project ´Developing a protocol to measure sperm number using flow cytometry in Alpine silver ants’, carried out by Solenn Sarton-Lohéac. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2019 Co-supervisor of the BSc SUR project ‘The role of heterozygote advantage in the maintenance of social polymorphism in the Alpine silver ants’ carried out by Mohamed Yasser Abdo. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
2018-2019 Co-supervisor of the BSc thesis ‘Fitness associated with different genotypes in Formica selysi’, carried out by Guglielmo Grasso. Department of


  • 2023: Invited teacher: Parental care. Animal Behaviour Course, Graduate level, U.N.A.M.
  • 2023: Invited speaker: Why do Animal Families vary? Animal Behaviour Course, BSc level,U.N.A.M.
  • 2023: Invited speaker: Why do Animal Families vary? Animal Behaviour Course, BSc level,U.N.A.M.
  • 2023: Invited speaker: Introduction to Research. Graduate Level, INECOL. 
  • 2023: Invited speaker: Flexible Acceptance of Alien Queens by Ant Workers. Animal Behaviour Course, BSc level,Adelphi University
  • 2023: Invited speaker: Flexible Acceptance of Alien Queens by Ant Workers. Animal Behaviour Course, BSc level,Barnard College, Columbia University
  • 2022: Invited speaker: Flexible Acceptance of Alien Queens by Ant Workers. Animal Behaviour Course, BSc level,U.N.A.M.
  • 2020: Organizer of the ‘Experimental Design Course’, final year bachelor level. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
  • 2016-2019: Examiner of 4 master’s dissertations. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne 
  • 2016- 2019: Supervisor for the ‘Experimental Design Course’, final year bachelor level. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne
  • 2013-2014: Tutor for the Part II (final year) Behavioural Ecology module. Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge


‘Why do animal families vary?’
Curso Internacional Bases Biológicas de la Conducta, Morelia. October 2023
— ‘Why do animal families vary?’
Coloquio de Matemáticas Aplicadas, IIMAS, U.N.A.M. March 2023
— ‘Why do animal families vary?’
Departamento de Ecología Tropical de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y
Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. March 2023
— Cryptic mutation load in a supergene controlling social organization in ants
18th International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) Stockholm, Sweden, August 2022
— ‘Why do animal families vary?’ April 1st, 2021. Insect Biology Research Institute, IBRI, University of Tours, France
— Poster presentation: ‘Winter is coming: harsh environments reduce the success of independent reproduction in cooperative breeding queens, in a socially
polymorphic ant’. ASAB summer meeting 2019. Konstanz, Germany
— Oral presentation: ‘Maintenance of a social polymorphism in the Alpine silver ant’. ESEB 2018, Montpellier, France
— Poster presentation: ‘The early life environment pre-determines individual plasticity in a lifehistory strategy’. ESEB 2017, Groningen, the Netherlands
— Poster and flash presentation: ‘Fitness costs associated with building and maintaining the burying beetle’s carrion nest.’ Biology2017, Bern, Switzerland
— Oral presentation: ‘The early life environment pre-determines individual plasticity in a life history strategy’. ISBE 2016, Exeter, UK
— Oral presentation: ‘Sexual conflict over brood desertion when ecological conditions change’ ISBE 2014, Hunter College, New York
— Poster presentation: ‘Interspecific interactions explain patterns of paternal care in the burying beetle’ ENTO 2013, University of St. Andrews

INTERNAL SEMINARS (most relevant)

— Oral presentation: ‘Why do animal families vary?’
INECOL, A. C., April, 2023
— Oral presentation: ‘Maintenance of a social polymorphism in the Alpine silver ant’. Department of Biology, University of Fribourg. 2021
— Oral presentation: ‘Maintenance of a social polymorphism in the Alpine silver ant’. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne. 2018
— Oral presentation: ‘Fitness costs associated with building and maintaining the burying beetle’s carrion nest’. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne. 2017
— Oral presentation: ‘Changes in life-history trade-offs based on successive sampling of
environmental information in the burying beetle’. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne. 2016
— Oral presentation: ‘Changes in life-history trade-offs based on successive sampling of environmental information in the burying beetle’. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. 2015
— Oral presentation: ‘Ecological interactions and family dynamics in the burying beetle’. Mexican Seminar Series, University of Cambridge. 2015
— Poster presentation: ‘Do mites influence paternal care in the burying beetle?’ Departmental Seminar Day, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. 2014
— Poster presentation: ‘Do mites influence paternal care in the burying beetle?’ Graduate School of Life Sciences Poster and Image Competition, University of Cambridge. 2014
— Poster presentation: ‘Interspecific interactions explain patterns of paternal care in the burying beetle’ Graduate School of Life Sciences Poster and Image Competition, University of Cambridge. 2013
— Oral presentation: ‘The influence of inter-specific interactions on conflict and cooperation within species’ Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. 2012
— Poster presentation: ‘Do mites influence family dynamics in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides?’ EBI-Sanger-Cambridge PhD Symposium, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge. 2012
— Poster presentation: ‘Do mites influence family dynamics in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus
vespilloides?’ Cambridge Graduate Student Life Science Conference, Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge. 2012


Supergene control of social organization in the Alpine silver ant Lead researcher: Michel Chapuisat, University of Lausanne

SNSF 2017-2022, número 31003A_173189, CHF 904,000 Years: 2017-2022

Male fertility and social polymorphism in ants

Lead researcher: Michel Chapuisat, University of Lausanne, y 

Serge Aron, ULB 

UNIL-ULB partnership 2017, € 5,800; Year: 2017


2023 TedX Talk: Understanding Climate Breakdown. Colegio Americano de Xalapa
2013-2016 Attended EvoKe, Evolutionary knowledge for everyone. Porto
Writer, copy writer, editor, and producer of the BlueSci (Cambridge University Science Magazine) website and printed issues
03/2016 Member of ‘The Major Transitions’ group at the Behind the Scenes Science outreach event organized by the Royal Society. Carlton House, London
06/2015 Member of ‘The Major Transitions’ group at the Science Museum Lates: The next big thing. Science Museum, London
2015 Events and Publicity Officer for BlueSci
2014 Issue Editor for the 30th Issue of the BlueSci magazine
06/2013 Science Communication Day Workshop. London


2017-2018 Grant to carry out the project ‘Male fertility and social polymorphisms in ants’ (€5800), provided by the University of Lausanne and the University Libre of Brussels
08/17 Foundation pour l’Université du Lausanne to attend ESEB 2017 meeting, Groningen (CHF800)
07/16 ISBE travel grant to attend ISBE 2016 meeting, Exeter (£800)
07/14 Travel grant from the Cambridge philosophical society to attend ISBE 2014 meeting, New York (£3000)
07/14 Parry Dutton Student Fund/North America Foundation Fund (£1000)
07/14 ISBE travel grant to attend ISBE 2014 meeting, New York (£1,000)
07/14 Balfour Fund grant, Department of Zoology (£1,000)
09/13 Award from the Secretary for Public Education in Mexico (£3,000)
10/12 Hitchcock Fund research grant (£250)

